The Ideas Fund – Rough Guides

Here is our Rough Guide Collection, written and illustrated by people attending the Ideas Fund project workshops

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The Ideas Fund – project overview

Empowering people living with dementia to take the lead through person-led, creative engagement. ​ Project Overview Objectives ​ Take a look at our Rough Guide Collection, written and illustrated… Learn More The Ideas Fund – project overview

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Good Life With Dementia Course

This post diagnostic resource pack came out of the delivery of the Good Life With Dementia course. A post diagnostic course which itself was created and delivered… Learn More Good Life With Dementia Course

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Getting a diagnosis

When you receive the results of your assessment at the clinic or from scans, you will now have a better idea of what you are fighting. Yes… Learn More Getting a diagnosis

Recognising Symptoms

These are some of the more common early symptoms you may experience. However it is important to remember that there are a number of other things that… Learn More Recognising Symptoms

What is dementia?

Dementia is an umbrella term that describes the symptoms you may experience when you have any one of a number of progressive neurological disorders. Symptoms can include… Learn More What is dementia?